Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hi there!

It's been ages since I posted last time. So many things have happened and at the same time NOTHING happens. I moved so far away from home and friends last autumn and occasionally it's been quite tough. Now it's getting easier though...

Well, I don't know what will be the destination of this blog. Suddenly I felt like "I want to start blogging!" but I should be studying right now so obviously I would do anything to avoid that... So I don't know! AND I really don't know if I have anything to post about as I'm not wearing any make up nowadays... or I do but that's only when I'm at "home" and with my old friends. And yes, that sounds really odd and I don't know what happened... Maybe I'm becoming insane or something.

But well, we'll see what happens. I'm not sure if this is a "goodbye post" or "coming soon post". Anyway, I deleted all my previous posts because IF I'll start posting again I want a new and fresh start!
... But now I'm gonna spend this lovely evening with my calculator <3


  1. Voisit tehä tästä sellasen farmaseuttiblogin ♥ Mieti ny, susta vois tula suomen tai maailman kuuluisin apteekkibloggailija :):))

  2. No voi miten siistiä XD <3 Ja tänäänkin hiivan hoitaa Diflucan ! Jotain itsehoitolääke reviewejä? :DDD Haha.. jos nyt ei kuitenkaan, kiitos hyvästä ideasta kuitenkin.. XD
